
Signs Your West Seatle – Alki Home May Have A Collapsed Drain Pipe

Signs Your West Seatle - Alki Home May Have A Collapsed Drain Pipe

Clogs are a nuisance. When the toilet is backed up, or the sink won’t drain, it can be annoying. These types of clogs certainly need to be addressed, but they are nothing compared to a clog in your main sewer line. It can cause real problems, which is why North Hill Sewer & Drain provides repair services for a collapsed drain pipe in West Seattle – Alki.

Here are some signs that indicate you may have a collapsed sewer line:

Ongoing Backups

All the drain pipes from your home run outside and underground into the main sewer line. When it collapses, there is no drainage until it is repaired. It can be quite expensive to repair. Frequent backups, whether it is your toilet or bathtub, can mean there is an issue. Do not ignore it. Getting it checked out early could save you thousands.

Clogs Throughout the Home

When a sewer line collapses, it impacts every drain in your home. That is when the kitchen sink will backup, the toilet will overflow, and the tub will take forever to drain. We use a sewer video camera in cases like this to determine if the problem is a collapsed drain.

Weird Things Start Happening

Sewer pipe clogs can cause the drains to emit bad odors, gurgling noises, or they can bubble up. This is caused by the air coming back up to the surface. The smell is due to sewage not draining properly and entering the other drainage areas. This can be a health hazard.

Noticing the indications that you have a sewage line problem early can save you big headaches down the road. Contact North Hill Sewer & Drain at (206) 202-3280 to address a collapsed drain pipe in West Seattle – Alki.

Have You Scheduled a Sewer Camera Inspection for Your Beacon Hill Property?

Have You Scheduled a Sewer Camera Inspection for Your Beacon Hill Property?

Keeping the sewer line on your property working effectively is fundamental to your home. Routine inspections are part of that process. North Hill Sewer & Drain assists with that by providing sewer camera inspection near Beacon Hill. A camera inspection helps our plumbers identify problems while they are still minor and easily handled.

Understanding Sewer Camera Inspections

This process involves inserting a sewer video camera in the pipeline. The camera can go easily, where the plumber cannot unless he tears up the yard. We use high-resolution cameras to pinpoint and diagnose problems in the sewer line. It can tell us whether it is a leak, roots, breaks, or a blockage.

Why Sewer Camera Inspections?

Put, they save time and money. It gives the plumber clear insight into what is happening. No more digging up the entire yard, hoping to find the problem. Instead, the camera is fed into your pipe and travels the length of the pipe, filming the whole time. It looks for problems such as:

  • Cracked or broken sewer pipes
  • Clogged sewer lines
  • Root intrusions

All of those can cause serious problems with your sewer lines and can end up causing a backup into your home.

Call the Plumbing Pros for Your Sewer Camera Inspection

At North Hill Sewer & Drain, we offer sewer camera inspection near Beacon Hill that can nip minor issues in the bud before they become bigger, costlier ones. We are licensed and bonded and understand that your home is valuable. We take the time to do the job right the first time. If you would like more information or want to schedule an appointment, give us a call at (206) 202-3280.

Are the Drains in Your Newport Hills Home Sluggish? Call in the Plumbing Pros to Fix That!

Are the Drains in Your Newport Hills Home Sluggish? Call in the Plumbing Pros to Fix That!

For any plumbing system to work properly, the drains must be in good working order. You may be on city water and sewage or have a septic system, but you still need clear, free-flowing drainage. When drains continually get clogged, it can damage the plumbing lines and cause in-home flooding. No one wants gallons of water pouring out of a damaged pipe or, even worse, sewage from an overflowing toilet. North Hill Sewer & Drain has years of experience providing homeowners with professional drainage repair service near Newport Hills. We can get those drains cleared and have everything moving the way it should.

Common Signs You Have a Clog in Your Drainage System

Water draining slowly from your sinks, tub, or toilet is one of the major signs of a clog somewhere along the lines. As the clog builds up, the water drains even slower. For example, if you are running water in your sink, it may just keep rising until you turn off the faucet and slowly let it empty. Other signs you have a problem include:

  • Strong odors coming from drain areas
  • Gurgling noises from your toilet or sink when draining
  • Constantly having to use a plunger

Give the Plumbing Pros a Call

If you are experiencing any of the above or any other type of plumbing problem, give the clogged drain pros a call at (206) 202-3280. We are dependable, efficient, and experienced and can get you up and going in no time. We use video inspection cameras to help us precisely pinpoint where the clog is. Then we get to work removing it. Avoid using over-the-counter products as they can damage your pipes, instead get a professional drainage repair service near Newport Hills you can trust at North Hill Sewer & Drain.

Keep Your Drains Flowing with Drain Cleaning Service Near Factoria

Keep Your Drains Flowing with Drain Cleaning Service Near Factoria

Your kitchen sink has a drain, so does the dishwasher, the bathtub, the washer, and possibly areas like your basement. They allow wastewater to flow freely from the home to the sewage system. If you have problems with your drains because they are sluggish or clogged, you can end up with serious problems. It can lead to pipe damage and more. That is why you should consider a professional drain cleaning service near Factoria that provides routine maintenance on your drains. At North Hill Sewer & Drain, we provide drain cleaning and rooter service that clears out drain systems and gets things flowing smoothly once again.

What Should Homeowners Look For?

There are some signs that your drain system has a clog. If things are not draining the way they once did, that is typically one of the first indications. The more the clog builds up, the slower the water drains. It can seem like it takes hours for the sink to empty. This means there is definitely a problem somewhere. Other signs to look for include:

  • Drain areas, inside or outside that have a foul smell
  • If your toiler or sink makes a gurgling sound when draining
  • The constant need to use the plunger to clear the line

Help is On the Way

When a situation like any of the above occurs, you need professional help. North Hill Sewer & Drain has a crew of plumbers that are licensed and bonded. They have the experience needed to handle any of your plumbing problems. We use cameras to inspect the lines for a precise location of the problem. If you need drain cleaning service near Factoria, give us a call at (206) 202-3280.

5 Signs Your Newcastle Home Has a Sewer Line Problem

5 Signs Your Newcastle Home Has a Sewer Line Problem

Without plumbing, there would be no fresh water coming into your home and no sewage getting removed with the flush of a toilet. We use our sewer system every single day. It would be nice to give it a daily once over, but since it is mainly underground or hidden, you can’t do that. That makes it hard to see if there is a problem. But there are signs you require sewer repair near Newcastle.

Wow! That Smells!

Leaking sewage can cause foul odors in your home or outside around the sewer line. Your drains may smell strange as well. Your sewer lines are leaking somewhere, and you need the help of a professional.

Slow Drains & Constant Backups

Toilets, tubs, sinks, and showers should drain easily. Sometimes something as simple as hair can cause the shower drain to drain slower. But things like pipe damage or tree roots can cause these problems as well. The sewer lines need to be taken care of immediately.

There’s a Pool in My Yard

Pooling water should not be happening in a normal yard that isn’t naturally prone to it. If it happens, you may have a sewer line leak. You want to get this repaired as quickly as possible.

Is Something Bugging You?

Bugs and rodents love sewage. They can feed off it and are drawn to it. If you have a sudden infestation, you could have a sewage problem.

The Grass is Greener

Sewage works just like fertilizer, so should you see certain areas of your yard along the sewer lines start to look lush and green, you could have a leak.

If any of these problems exist, give North Hill Sewer & Drain a call at (206) 202-3280. We provide professional sewer repair near Newcastle.

Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater in White Center

Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater in White Center

There are many advantages to upgrading to a tankless water heater if you need a new water heater or your tank will need to be replaced sooner or later. At North Hill Sewer & Drain, we understand the benefits and savings tankless water heaters can bring our customers and want to share those with you here. If you need tankless water heater repair and replacement service near White Center, we can help.

Traditional Water Heaters vs. Tankless – Which is More Energy Efficient?

Who doesn’t want to save money on their utilities? In today’s economy, it is even more crucial. When it comes to traditional water heaters and tankless water heaters, the tankless system wins hands down to energy efficiency. They can help slash your monthly utilities. In fact, they are anywhere from 24% to 34% more energy-efficient. The savings add up yearly, to the tune of hundreds of dollars.

Longer Life & Hot Water When You Want It

One of the benefits of a tankless water heater is that it lasts double the storage-type tank’s lifespan. The traditional tank lasts around 10 – 12 years, while the tankless can last 20 or more. And the tankless system heats water as you need it. No more waiting for the tank to fill and heat up in between showers or running the dishwasher.

Short On Space?

That is another advantage of a tankless water heater, and it takes up less space. This is definitely a plus if you live in a small home or apartment. For all your tankless water heater repair and replacement service near White Center, give North Hill Sewer & Drain a call at (206) 202-3280

Emergency Plumbing Services Around the Clock Near Newcastle

Emergency Services Around the Clock Near Newcastle

Your day is going on just fine until you load the dishwasher, hit the start button, and water comes pouring onto the kitchen floor. Or you go down into the basement only to find the water heater sprung a leak. You wade through over an inch of water to check out the damage. Scenarios like this call for emergency plumbing near Newcastle. North Hill Sewer & Drain provides plumbing services that can get that problem taken care of ASAP.

Professional & Well Trained Staff

Our plumbers are experienced, licensed, insured, and an expert at what they do. They spend their days dealing with:

  • Clogged or burst pipes
  • Finding leaks
  • Fixing lines
  • Installing toilets, leaks & fixtures
  • Repairing overflowing toilets
  • Repairing boilers
  • So much more

When you have a plumbing problem, we are there fast because the last thing you want is to wait to get it taken care of. Our emergency service is available around the clock because we also know most catastrophes happen “off the clock.” We are available even if something goes wrong on holiday.

Emergency Service You Can Depend On

When the crew arrives, they come in a fully-equipped service vehicle. We use the latest technology to make sure everything gets done as efficiently as possible. We give you the best solution and an affordable estimate to know what you are dealing with upfront.

If you need emergency plumbing near Newcastle, call the pros at North Hill Sewer & Drain at (206) 202-3280. One of our techs will take your call, and we will be on our way to you as quickly as possible. There is no need to worry about emergencies when you can let our pros handle the problem.

If You Need Sewer Line Repair or Installation Near SeaTac, Give Us a Call

If You Need Sewer Line Repair or Installation Near SeaTac, Give Us a Call

If you are moving into a new home, you may have concerns about the sewer lines. If you don’t know how old they are, you could be in for some problems. If you are having backup issues, you could also end up needed sewer repair.  At North Hill Sewer & Drain, we can handle all your sewer line needs. We guarantee precision and quality when you need sewer line repair and replacement service near SeaTac.

Choose the Best Plumbing Company

Make sure you check out the company you are considering. Not everyone hires qualified technicians. At North Hill Sewer & Drain, our employees are licensed and bonded. If you have any questions, ask to see their certifications. Ask around and check reviews. You will find we provide excellent customer service.

Sewer System Pros

If you think your sewer system needs to be replaced, you can look for signs indicating a problem. If you walk outside and smell foul sulfur or sewage odors, you have a problem. Consistent backups or clogs can be another sign. Should the ground along your sewer line seem soggy, it could mean a leak in the line or a faulty seal. If your sewer line is old, you may want to consider replacing it before something major happens. We can help you determine your sewer’s age if you are unsure. We are pros at repairing and replacing sewer lines and will ensure the job gets done right.

Contact North Hill Sewer & Drain if you need sewer line repair and replacement service near SeaTac. Our number is (206) 202-3280, and we are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about sewer lines or plumbing in general.

Deroot Your Sewer Line in Maple Valley

Deroot Your Sewer Line in Maple Valley

Trees make a property beautiful. They provide shade and a place for birds and animals to live. But their long roots can spread deeply, and they seek out water. While this is great for the tree, it can mean problems for your sewer system. De-rooting is a job for an experienced plumber. At North Hill Sewer & Drain, we provide sewer line service in Maple Valley that includes derooting to help remove your root problem.

Blocked Sewer or Water Lines

When tree roots find their way to your sewer lines, they can wrap around the lines forming a blockage. At times they can push through the lines. If you have trees roughly 30’ close to your lines, you are at risk for root problems. The following line types are particularly at risk:

  • Cast iron
  • Clay
  • Asbestos

Sewer Line Experts Can Remove the Problem

North Hill Sewer & Drain has the equipment and experience to handle de-rooting your lines. We will examine your situation and use cutting-edge technology and equipment to clear the roots. If you think you have a problem, it is best to call right away before the situation gets out of hand. It is easier to deal with a root problem early on. Waiting too long means more extensive work.

We Keep You Abreast Every Step of the Way

If there is a serious blockage, the line may need to be replaced. We always let you know if there is a problem and the expected cost. We never move ahead without your permission. If you need sewer line service in Maple Valley that involves derooting, contact North Hill Sewer & Drain at (206) 202-3280 today and schedule your appointment. We can provide all your plumbing needs.

Renovate Your Normandy Park Kitchen With These Great Sink Styles

Renovate Your Normandy Park Kitchen With These Great Sink Styles

A kitchen remodeling job can be both fun and challenging. What design do you want? Where will things like the sink go? And how will you handle the plumbing? Determining where the sink goes often gets done early in the planning. Other appliances, like the dishwasher, have to go alongside the sink, and you want to make sure there is enough room. At North Hill Sewer & Drain, we have skilled kitchen remodel plumbers in Normandy Park that can help you determine the best place for your sink. We can then install it properly.

The Latest in Kitchen Sink Styles

There are so many great designs to choose from today when it comes to kitchen sinks. You can choose interesting patterns and colors, along with a variety of faucet and fixture styles. Take a look at some of the sink styles you will find:

Farmhouse Sinks

Rustic-style kitchens are all the rage, and this is the perfect sink choice. The porcelain apron that goes down the front of the sink provides a unique look and beautiful focal point for any kitchen.

Integrated Sinks

If you love the look of your countertop, this might be the sink for you. Integrated sinks are made from the same material as the counters, and it all blends for a stunning modern look.

Undermount Sinks

If you love modern, sleek designs, this is an excellent choice. One of the benefits of this sink is it is easy to clean. As the title suggests, it attaches to the counter’s underside.

Other Great Choices

There are other types as well that are more common and quite practical. You may want to consider:

  • Single Bowl Sinks
  • Drop-In Sinks
  • Double Bowl Sinks

If you are remodeling your kitchen, North Hill Sewer & Drain can help. When you need the help of kitchen remodel plumbers in Normandy Park, contact us at (206) 202-3280.

Contact Us If You Have Any Plumbing Issues! (206) 202-3280